A Global Show, the Label Expo, which was halted for 4 years, returned in 2023 for the last show in Brussels, Belgium before shifting to Barcelona, Spain in 2025.
The results of Label Expo are remarkable!
It was an excellent show to showcase and strengthen our presence in the European market by offering top quality UV Coatings with competitive advantages in every aspect! Currently selling in 13 countries in the Europe and looking forward for further expansions.
Our statistics shows very positive and diverse outcomes and we look forward to capitalizing on this. We had more than 140 Leads, from 45 Countries and 5 continents. We also created 13 new partnerships during the show! Already established 11 after the show and looking forward for more.
It was great meeting professionals from all over the world of this valuable industry. I appreciate all existing business partners and potentially new ones to have taken the time to visit us and make our experience better.
Thank you for being part of our journey! We appreciate everyone who visited us and we are looking forward to our next expos in the coming weeks!